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07/24/24 08:49 AM #14019    


Lester Cox

As to Biden leaving office. First I told many friends as long as two years ago that Biden would not be on the ticket for reelection. I do believe he will stay in office until after the election. If Harris loses, he will resign before Jan 20 so as to make her President and she can then grant a pardon to Joe. If Joe has not pardoned the rest of his family first, Harris will do so. This will inusulate him and his family from any probes congress and a legit DOJ may want to conduct. If Harris wins, there will be no pardons needed as she will block any investigations. Just my prediction, we'll see how that plays out. 

07/24/24 10:54 AM #14020    


DeWitt Bacon

These are all good posts. I agree with most of the opinions. As a student of prophecy, it appears that we are living in the last times' The stage is set. If Trump wins the presidency, we may have some delay for a while, but we can see now how Satin is working to bring him down. If the Democrats win, whether it be Harris or another, we will continue to slide even closer to Armageddon and the time when there will be no one saved unless God sends the Messiah to rescue us. As Jesus said, we will not know the time but can see the signs.

Marry, may I assume that you were in that marching band?smiley What instrument did you play?

07/24/24 11:07 AM #14021    


DeWitt Bacon

On Biden leaving office before his term is up;

I remember reading a Dr. Seuss book to my kids when they were young. It was called, "MARVIN K. MOONEY, WILL YOU PLEASE GO NOW!"


07/24/24 01:11 PM #14022    


Michael Kelly

Lester Cox your 14019 is an excellent Analysis. Biden will definitely want to Pardon himself and his entire Family. Not to Worry, there is a Final Judgment he and everyone else Faces and lying wont get it. Saved by God's Grace is the only Pardon. 

I have also predicted that Biden would not make the Finish Line and I like Coats think his Time Is Up via the 25th Amendment. The Dems are now touting Harris with the same Lingo-Lies as they did Biden just two weeks ago. Talk about a basket of whatever's they got it. 

We are not done with hearing about Assassination Attempts because this Group of Swamp Occupants will not give up. 

Kamala Harris acts as if Israel is to blame for  the Oct. 7, 2023 Slaughters by Hamas. Won't even see Netanyahu but I doubt he has much to say to her either since he socializes with Decent People.

07/24/24 06:49 PM #14023    


Patty Meyers (Anderson)

I would love to see a women President, but it has to be a competent one, otherwise, it pulls the all the capable ones down.

07/24/24 08:06 PM #14024    


Jim Coats

For Mr. Biden.....I think he did a pretty good job with his speech from the Oval tonight.....EXCEPT FOR the fact that he did NOT tell us specifically why he is bailing out and walking away from 15,000,000 people who voted for him in the primary.  Side Bar:  If I were one of them, I'd be pissed.

One day he walks on water and completely in charge of his brain functions....the next day he's out for the good of the Party and Country.  IF I were a Biden voter, I would want to know WHY from his mouth.  I think I know why.  The Star Chamber told him he had to go or else.

Say a prayer for our country.

"In the end, they're not coming after me.  They're coming after you and I'm just standing in the way."  Donald J. Trump


07/24/24 10:38 PM #14025    



I think Lester is on it. Biden agreed to exit if; Biden resigns just before the election, that makes Canel Pres who then will pardon the whole Biden family. I spelled Camel (😇) because a good friend calls her that. 

07/25/24 07:52 AM #14026    


Frank Wiley

"Hamas is coming".  That's the "mostly peaceful protesters" wrote on buildings in Our Capital.  They were also carrying Hamas flags.  Remember--Hamas is an Iran proxy and Iran says "death to America"!  I don't know how many terrorists have come across the Border because of  Kamala Harris (the Border Czar) and Joe Biden, but Chris Ray (FBI Director) said yesterday, "numerous" and "that it only took 19 to carry out 9/11!"  When Bibi criticized Hamas and the protesters celebrating Hamas yesterday at his address to Congress many of the Democrats sat silently and even more revealing is that Kamala Harris didn't even show up.  I hope every Jewish person in Our Country took note and votes accordingly!!  There were even protesters claiming that half the people killed in the October 7th terror attack were killed by Israeli soldiers.  These people are sick!!

07/25/24 08:39 AM #14027    


Mary Powers (Evans)

I've been confused by references to the militant organization Hamas flag vs Palestinian state flag, so looked it up on Wikipedia

Flag of Palestine - Wikipedia

Inline Image Not Displayed


Flag of Hamas - Wikipedia:

Inline Image Not Displayed

07/25/24 08:41 AM #14028    


Mary Powers (Evans)

Oh, sorry, it looks like the images of the flags don't display, but the links do if you want to look them up.  

07/25/24 10:38 AM #14029    


Jim Coats

Mary.  I don't know you, but you seem like a very nice person.  So I say this with all due respect.

I do not give a crap about Palestinian or Hamas flags.  There is ONE FLAG, and that is the Stars and Stripes.  Any other flag being used to villify America is NOT welcome in my world, and I think that sentiment is held by most Patriotic Americans.  I resent giving Palestinian or Hamas flags ANY coverage....which implies legitimacy.

These people....."peaceful protestors"..... are our enemies and they deface statues and burn the American Flag.  As far as I'm concerned, they should be arrested, prosecuted and incarcerated.  But they won't be.

I don't know when it became OK to burn the Stars and Stripes....but I'm sure it was pushed by the democrats.


07/25/24 11:31 AM #14030    


Michael Kelly

Modernly, and I use the Word with the time limit clearly stated as beginning in 1962, when Prayer was banned in Schools, and it became OK to rebel against authority and destroy things, our Country has grown increasingly Tolerant towards "Bad Actors" who randomly pick things out to Destroy, burn, paint on, and deface to "Express their rebellion" which before this Modern Age, was duly punished by heavy Fines and Prison Sentences which actually were served. 

Modernly, our Standards have become increasingly Lax, and as a result the General Moral/Legal Climate of our Country has taken a Sharp Turn Left/Towards the Worse. I attribute this to multiple so called Disciplines that have urged this Laxity on Local, State, and Federal Government Entities who have eagerly lowered our Standards of Enforcement of Penalties for Illegal Behavior to the point that they may be printed on paper, in law Books, Judges Benchbooks, and on Indictments, but otherwise they are so ephimeral as to be nonexistent. As a result, we have the Train Wreck that our Nation faces today. 

Its time to admit that We, as a Country, have made drastic errors in Policy which have brought us to the quandary we are now in.

Supporters of Hamas and Palestine, who burn American Flags, and wreak Havoc and cause Turmoil should be Arrested, Tried, and Penalized for the Damage they do. If they are not here legally, they should be deported immediately, with no chance of Return. This is called the  Joe Biden Damage Control Program. in honor of Joe and his Border Policy.

One more point, I don't think it is wise, or Responsible, for the USA to continue to allow Funding, or Diplomatic involvement, or even communication with a Government like the Palestinian Government, which refuses to Delete from its Constitution a Mandate that enbodies and lauds the Destruction of Jews and the Jewish State of Israel. That is not Right, or Civilized, or even Forgiveable for any Reason.

07/25/24 04:15 PM #14031    


Frank Wiley

Hi Mary, Are you questioning that Hamas Flags were on display at the D.C. protests yesterday?  I saw them so the answer is yes, Hamas Flags were there.

07/25/24 08:41 PM #14032    


Michael Wetzel


Regarding your Post of #14029, first, I agree with you completely, I am with you all the way! Second, I would take it to a much higher degree than you....Burning our Nations flag especially, above all else,  defacing monuments, and all the other of types of wreakage these facist/socialist perform, how about public hangings, or, against the wall firing squads, ( like the Mexicans were so famous for )...I would bet all their BS, and criminal activity would come to a screeching halt !!!............

07/25/24 09:40 PM #14033    


Lester Cox

I've been working on building a list of Harris positions. I believe these are accurate, however they will really downplay all of these to keep from scaring the crap out of people. I would really like comments, corrections, additions as I don't want to spread crap the same way the media has done for years. Here it is so far: 

Number one top liar to American people on Biden condition
Favors Open border
Wants to Abolish Ice
Wants to Defund Police
Favors Student debt forgiveness
Has Never spoken to the head of border patrol, although border czar
Funded bail for BLM jailed for crimes involving property and deaths
Has Never won even one delegate vote
She is a California model socialist
Against Fracking
Against Fossil fuels
EV mandate promoter
Favors letting non citizens and felony prisoners vote
Supporter of massive regulation of industry
Eliminate Death penalty
Allow late term or after birth abortion
Favors total gun control, so limited police and only the crooks have guns. 
Supports the green energy trillion dollar deals
Supports $5 Trillion dollar tax increase (about $30K per tax payer average)
Supports Medicare for all which may lead to 70 to 90% tax rates and Canadian style healthcare.


07/26/24 07:46 AM #14034    


Frank Wiley

Good list Lester!  I don't know about the "after birth" murder though?  Much, if not all of the Left Wing Media along with the White House media are now claiming they never called Kamala "The Border Czar".  The problem is that FOX has now played video of numerous media outlets calling her "Border Czar" and showing numerous print media headlines calling her "Border Czar".  The corrupters know her incompetence on the Border issue is probably an election killer.  

07/26/24 08:47 AM #14035    


Lester Cox

Frank, I was not sure how radical she was on the abortion issue and looking for confirmation on whether she will go as far as after birth. I'm pretty sure she will go full term. As Dems will make this a big issue, I want the list to be as accurate as possible. It is amazing that they are denying her being appointed "border czar". It's like the Dems and main stream media don't know about video tape. Regardless, she won't be able to run away from the mess at the border. 

07/26/24 09:36 AM #14036    


Frank Wiley

Thanks Lester for the clarification.  FOX just played an interview done right after the Afghanistan withdrawal/disaster with Kamala in which she said it was done well.  Idiot!!

07/26/24 10:10 AM #14037    


DeWitt Bacon

Jim, I agree. Mary seems to be a very nice and intelligent person. I wish I had known her at Camelback. She seems analytical and searches for the truth about what is happening to our country. She is an audiologist and shows concern for my hearing problems. I was never concerned about the flags of Humas or Palestine, but I see from Mary's links that they are quite different. Remember that Palestine is the modern descendant of the Philistines spoken of in the Bible. And Humas is the puppet of Iran. Both set on the destruction of Israel and America.

Michael W., I have spoken heavily in favor of public hangings for certain crimes. If people could see the result of capital crimes that way, I think it would help divert such crimes. Flag burning should be placed on the same level as defacing federal monuments. A mandatory ten years in prison. 

Lester, exelant list. It pretty much covers it all. I might add a complete loser. The only way she could ever hope to win the Presidency would be by the usual Democrat cheating and fraud.

07/26/24 10:12 AM #14038    


DeWitt Bacon

Mihael K., right on brother. There's nothing I can add to that.

07/26/24 01:23 PM #14039    


Jim Coats

Please tell me...

1.  IF Harris is not the Border Czar, then why after 3 /12 years of hearing that, why didn't SHE or the administration say no, no, no, no!  We never said that.  She was only supposed to dig out root causes of the border invasion and report back.  How'd that work out for ya?

2.  Biden received about 15million votes in the democrat presidential primary which, as I understand it was 92% of the vote.  NOW Biden is saying he won't run.  Basically he kicked 15million voters to the curb.  Why aren't they pissed??  The dems want a do-over.  I didn't know that was a thing.  Now they "apparently" have Kamala and she is the one who won ZERO delegates in 2020.  IF Biden is out.... this "for the good of the country" crap doesn't cut it.  WHY is he out?  Dementia, age, incompetence (see dementia)?  I think America is due a definite answer.  Of course, we know why he's out.  It's because he WAS TOLD  to get out by the Star Chamber and party elites because they knew he would lose.

3.  IF Kamala wins, do you think she will live in the White House or maybe Black Lives Manor?


07/26/24 04:48 PM #14040    


Frank Wiley

Bob Phillips had a pretty serious heart attack.  They put a stint in and he should be going home in a couple days.  You might want to message him.  Thanks!

07/26/24 09:27 PM #14041    


Michael Kelly

Lester Cox and others   The Democrats have nothing else to make an Issue in the Presidentlal Campaign save the issue of  Abortion. The usual social response to their strident assertions of it being a so-called Constitutional Right comes from the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court Decision which was a product of the Warren Court, back in 1972. The Warren Court was engaged in De Facto Legislation at that point in time in our History because of a battle between True Believers on the Court who espoused the alleged Legal Theory that the Constiutuion was to be viewed as a "living and Breathing Instrument" which if the Language was not in the Constitution, then the Constituion allowed for its "Stretching' in order to encompass new Rights that certain segments of our Population were deemed to Desire. On the other side of this argument over how the Constitution is to be read and applied, were those who said the Constitution was to be Strictly Construed, that is, follwed according to the language is actually uses.  Now when you think this way that the language of the Constiution may be Stretched to mean anything you want it to mean,, then your next step is to say Self, it may not be there, but we can find words to make it happen. So that is what the Court did. They Warren Court dug around and found Abortion. The issue is a very difficult Social Issue to deal with for reasons that are not to difficult to recognize. 

The rough estimate is that over Fifty Million babies were aborted over the fifty years that the Roe vs. Wade Decision was deemed to be a Valid Constitutional Right on the Federal Level. The recent Decision which reversed the alleged Constitutional Right to Abortion did not completely Nullify Abortion, it sent it back to each State to make its own law concerning this Practice. The protestations so strident by pro-abortionists will not acknowledge what the recent decision really did, because then it becomes apparent that the practitioners of Abortion have to go to each State's Legislature's to have the Legislation concerning that Practice Voted upon by the people of each State, rather than being assumed to be an unassailable Federal Right. The Recent Decision affirms the Language of the Constitution and properly restricts the "Stretching of its Language" to what the Constitution actually says.

This is the Issue that has the most kick for their Party and they can gin up quite a bit of fervor over this practice. It is the excuse for spontaneous Violence, Property Destruction, and eiven fundamentally changing the numbers of Justices on the United States Supreme Court. 

The other Issue is "Gun Control" because stripping Law Abiding People is necessary to gaining a very restrictive hold on ruling a populace. That is why the Forefathers found it significant to add a Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

What we must Notice is that Every Issue the Democrats will use as a Pitch to support Kamala Harris has at its roots a disagreement with our Constitution. I think it is a marker of the DNC, like DNA. They fundamentally don't like how our Country runs especially if it follows the Constitution. If Trump gets elected all of them will say they are leaving to go live somewhere else. But they won't and we know Why. There is more Freedom here than anywhere else in the World, even the Freedom to be Fog Headed.

07/26/24 09:50 PM #14042    


Jim Coats

Mike Kelly.  OUTSTANDING post!

07/26/24 11:28 PM #14043    


Lester Cox

I'm not sure how many of you remember Paul Harvey, but seems it 1965 broadcast has certainly played out.

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