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04/13/24 03:22 PM #13403    

Mike Lorts

God help all the innocents of the Middle East.

04/13/24 04:53 PM #13404    



I am taking my two sons and going with 3 good friends to France and Belgian to visit Normandy and many other  war memorials. My dad landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day. We leave May 8th, getting excited.

04/13/24 05:01 PM #13405    

Mike Lorts


Have a wonderful trip. Visiting Omaha Beach will be very emotional but inspiring. Travel safely!

04/13/24 05:16 PM #13406    

Richard Deshong

Bill, if you have time in your schedule, visit Monte Saint Michel. It is just a couple hour drive and has a lot of history, including the role it played in WWII>

04/13/24 06:12 PM #13407    


Frank Wiley

I told Bill about Mont St. Michel.  An amazing place and an amazing story.  N.S.-- Iran says this is the end of their attack after tonight.  The Iranians are the Persians of old.  The Persians invented the game of Chess.  Do you believe the Iranians?  I don't.  This is what Biden's appeasement has produced!!!  No matter what you or I think about Trump, none of this shit was going on when he was President!!

04/13/24 06:22 PM #13408    



Lorts, Katie and Richard; thanks for you encouragement. Richard, we plan on making that stop too. When my dad passed last May my boys looked through my dad's belonging and their interest was high in going to Normandy. It should be great trip. My wife, the princess, will be staying home with my oldest son's 5 year old. She loves that I am taking the boys and our three friends are good friends with her too,

04/13/24 06:52 PM #13409    

Richard Deshong

Frank, not to put too fine a point on it, but wasn't Trump president while America was fighting in Afganistan? Wasn't he the president who surrendered to the Taliban? Also, there were over forty-five military conflicts between countries between 2016 and 2021. Was he responsible like you seem to imply the current president is responsible for what is going on in today's world?

04/13/24 07:47 PM #13410    


Michael Kelly





04/13/24 09:50 PM #13411    


Jim Coats

Richard.  Why don't you just come right out and say it.  You love Biden AND you are going to vote for him.  Just get it over with so we all know that you support that feckless empty suit and his handlers in the Oval.  Fact check the following:


04/14/24 05:50 AM #13412    


Frank Wiley

Trump didn't get us into Afghanistan, he inherited it.  General Keith Kellog said he was on the call when Trump told the Taliban leader that we were going to pull out on our terms (never a surrender) and that we would bomb the crap out of them if they messed with us.  We would not have left millions (or billions) of dollars of military equipment if Trump had been President.  We were also going to keep Bagrahm Air Base active and also our Embassy was going to remain open.  The plan was to keep 2,500 troops there.  The last year of Trumps Presidency we had one KIA.  The first year of Biden's we had 13 KIA's in one day.  

04/14/24 10:31 AM #13413    


DeWitt Bacon

Frank is right. Trump did not get us into Afghanistan. Bush did, but only after we were attacked by their Taliban, killing thousands of people. Trump had a plan to end that war, saving respect for our nation and not making us look like a bunch of fools like Biden did. I love it when lefties like Richard make charges without backing them up. When did Trump surrender to the Taliban? What 45 military conflicts were going on when he was President? And how did they involve us? Trump was negotiating peace treaties like the Abraham Accords. Many of you have such a bad case of TDS that you will blame anything on Trump that you can think of. The Pelipenesion War, the fall of Rome, And I suppose the Civil War and both world wars were his fault. Pull your drug-addled brains out of your asses and see the real world.

04/14/24 05:49 PM #13414    


Jim Coats

Katie.  Once again you missed my point.  I am of the OPINION that you shorted the stock for Trump's DJT because and only because it was Trump.  You will never convince me that you picked this stock out of all that were available by accident.  I am of the OPINION that you did it because of your Trump Derangement Syndrome and therefore had high hopes that Trump and, by extension, anyone who supported Trump who invested in DJT would lose money.  Many, many of those people are most likely conservatives whom you hate almost as much as you hate my OPINION.  Regular people....NOT politicians.  Just people who just want to survive the devastating Biden administration.

What follows are my so-called bumper stickers that you also despise....and as far as I can tell, do NOT support.


04/15/24 02:02 AM #13415    


Dennis Moran

going to Normandy sounds fantastic...may you have a safe and fun trip.

I loved going to DC ...Fords theater and the cellar was incredible even went into the bar next door..I believe Booth went to the bar several times the day he shot Lincoln. And the Peterson house. it was so small and Could feel Lincolnl

go early to the holocaust museum its amazing ......

04/15/24 11:54 AM #13416    


Jim Coats

Katie.  I never called you a liar about your investments....ever!  Maybe wrong in some other context, but not a liar.  Why do I bother?


04/15/24 12:37 PM #13417    


Dennis Moran


we felt the same things at the Peterson... I stayed and the room Lincoln was in was so very small Im glad they tried to keep Mrs Lincoln out of it...he was such a tall man and knowing he laid diagonaly across the bed..the first time I was their I believe they had a pillow from that time.  going across the street from Fords i could feel the journey...In the basement the Deringer was amazing... I also spent a lot of time looking at the door wih the eye hole for Booth to look into the box... His brooks brother suit....   Hey if you get the chance go into the WILLARD HOTEL next to the White House...its been remoded since then but Lincoln used to go their and theyd had some of Lincolns items on display...I was lucky my Uncle Ed worked for the B & O railroad and worked out of DC  he knew so much about the town.  We took the train from Pittsburgh and seeing Harpers Fairy from the rail was a site....the view would of been the same as if John Brown was still their.

Oh also th hoods that the condemed were hung in is under Fords Theatre. Such an amazing place...yes the Smithsonian is awsome but for civil war go to the confederate musuem in New Orleans it is the best.

Also, the Jewish Holocast shows how the =NAZI  could keep track of events and do the the damage they did to so many wasn't just the jews.....seeing the pictures and thinking of seeing a SS guard with his patrol dog...oh my...I thought of my friend Mr. Simond and what he went through.

The sentries at Arlington and the tombs I HAD SO MUCH RESPECT and was surprised by the actions of others....can you imagine it was Robert E. Lee home...

04/15/24 04:11 PM #13418    


Jim Coats

Katie.  What the he** is wrong with you?  I do not believe I ever commented on your investment success or lack of same because I did not....and do not....give a crap.  I simply believe that since you hate Trump so much, you decided to short his stock (DJT) as a small protest to spread your venom toward the man.  It fits your general demeanor.  Make money..,..don't make money....I do NOT care.  I see you hoping average people who invested in DJT lose money and that is part of your Trump Derangement Syndrome.  It goes beyond investment strategy and gets I previously stated....sick thinking because, in this case, you chose DJT out of God knows how many investments available as good short candidates and you hope average people who believe in and support Trump are financially injured and you make money....and that'll show 'em.

It seems as though you are taking your time to go back and look for commentary you can take out of context....or just modify to suit your little platform du jour.  What a waste.  NWMFT.  I'm done.  You be sure and wail away to your heart's content.  I have made many friendly overtures to you with not much reciprocity.  What a waste of my time.  Same thing goes for Lorts.


Still haven't stepped up and told the Forum if you go along with the foregoing "bumper stickers".


04/15/24 05:53 PM #13419    


Frank Wiley

So, today is TAX day.  Here's my question.  What do you think about having a Flat Tax?  Would you say that if we had a Flat Tax we would still be able to write off Mortgage interest?  Any other write offs?  One of the things that I find really offensive is Private Jet write offs.

04/15/24 06:45 PM #13420    

Mike Lorts


I have been a proponent of a flat tax for years. A flat tax would immediately level the playing field.

04/15/24 08:00 PM #13421    


Kathy (Katie) Baribeau (Moore)

I have to leave for a time again.  Sherri isn't doing well and I need to spend more time with her.  Don't get me wrong here, she still has a good prognosis but the chemo build up has caught up with her.  I just want to make it clear I'm not leaving because of the BDS. Biden derangement syndrome, of the right in this group, I'm still a proud progressive and I will be back, not for politics but for some of the other discussions.  So I thought I would leave with a bang, why not, Jim will forget it in a day anyway if he even reads it because IMWHFT.  So here are my leaving political thoughts.....

I will not vote for trump or any Republican because I think trump is a traitor and every other Republican must kneel to the führer.  Look at Sununu today, he went back on everything he said and is kneeling to trump.  I think trump is a traitor,  will be a dictator, fascist leader, and it will be the last of the US as we know it.  I would never vote for someone who says he will be the people's retribution.  There are many more but INWMFT.  So basically nothing said here will change my mind.  

Lorts, Richard, Dorothy, and all others who are progressives, thank you!  I have enjoyed some of the other discussions, discussion that don't lead to childish name calling and belittling.  Dennis, thanks for your sharing about places you have visited.  I think we might have some of the same feelings about visiting our countries history.  Some have been supportive of kicking my daughters cancer, I am thankful for that.  I hope you all remember we need to live each day to its fullest, we just never know when we will leave the Earth.  I will leave with one of my favorite quotes.  For me, Dr. Suess may have simple quotes but there is a lot packed into them!

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.  




04/15/24 08:53 PM #13422    

Mike Lorts


Fighting the poisons they put in your body to kill the cancer just saps all your strength. We will say extra prayers for Sherri.

04/15/24 09:46 PM #13423    


Nancy Scott (Nicoll)


BILL RIHS, this is a message for you.  Gerry Raymod Bishop saw your post about going to Normandy.  She wanted to give you some info about the memorial war museum in Caen, and encourage you to be sure and visit it on your trip.  She went there and said it really helped her understand what her Dad went through.  Here's the site info                                                                                                          Have a great trip with your sons!                                                                                                                                 By the way - to all on this site, Miss Lane (Carolyn Scott), just celebrated her 101st birthday yesterday!  My brother and I, and our spouses took her to lunch at the Hermosa Inn.  It created quite a scene when we told our servers her age!




04/15/24 09:49 PM #13424    


Michael Wetzel



04/15/24 10:50 PM #13425    


Michael Kelly

SLOW LEARNERS:  Those who think ?????? that Build Back Better actually Works:  Those who think that Donald J. Trump is a Traitor, in Fact, maybe they just don't understand what one is since they are so "Progressive" they think Hamas did the 'right Thing" to the Jews on October 7, 2023: those who think that when you have been the victims of a steady attack you must stand down lest you provoke yet another steady attackL Those who think that telling children to mutilate themselves if they feel an adult wants them to is Not Child Abuse. Those who think as outlined above have any real hope of actually being Sane.

The present Biden Administration has come very close to destroying this Country. Letting almost 2 Million people to Illegally Enter this Country is Insane, and very destructive  on all levels. It is going to take fifty years to straighten this out.

04/16/24 05:32 AM #13426    


Frank Wiley

Katie, Good Luck to Sheri!  I am praying for her.  Nancy, Wow, 102, wish her Happy Birthday for all of us!  By the way, how's Toby doing?  Thanks!!  Mike K.--I think you meant TWELVE Million?

04/16/24 09:22 AM #13427    


Frank Wiley

So yesterday in numerous places in America, Anti-American protesters blocked major highways.  Some burned American flags.  Some carried Hezbola terriorst flags.  These protesters have historically been aligned with the Democrat/ Liberal/Progressives.  Biden continues to do things that are Unconstitutional.  Open Borders and forgiving student loans are both Anti-American acts.  Biden took an Oath of Office that states he would, "Protect and Defend the United States".  He has not and he continues to lie!!  His behavior is Impeachable.  


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